Were there any dev changes on November 24th that could have changed the amount of tokens we are rewarding? Users are asking me and I know @nicholas Lewis has asked for a response here a few times. Would appreciate it if a dev could take a quick look today or tomorrow if you have a free minute.
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Since around November 21st it seems that the daily totals have dropped significantly (when compared to the previous corresponding contribution score percentages and amounts). I am submitting both my contribution and transaction ledgers (for the dates November 8th to December 8th). Whilst there are no identical amounts (based on contribution score percentages and amounts, and the transaction totals), there is a noticeable disparity shown when comparing amount between November 8th to (approximately) November 20th and November 21st to December 8th (as an example, compare the records for November 9th, November 10th and November 24th, as well as November 18th and November 26th).
* Contribution Ledge (For Dates November 8th to December 8th)
* Transaction Ledger (For Dates November 8th to December 8th)
From what I can gather nothing in this area has changed, but it does fluctuate depending on your contribution to the site those days and everybody else's.
As I have demonstrated above, I accounted for the contribution percentage score and the amount totals. Reviewing the above screenshots (which provides accurate data as provided by the framework), there is an obvious disparity between amounts prior to November 21st when compared to figures provided after this date.
To further demonstrate this, I compared the amounts that I received yesterday (December 16th) with similar numbers for both November 15th and November 13th (especially note the similarities between December 16th and November 13th). On these dates, I received a total contribution score of 26 (equating to: Dec 16th: 0.027502%, Nov 15th: 0.022006%, Nov 13th: 0.021929% of the full contribution percentage of those days). However, when comparing the amounts, December 16th token amount is just under half (49.93%) when compared to the previous two amounts.
I see, I spoke with our CTO about it, this is indeed the case.
The line of code that determines the amount rewards given out is here and has not been changed in a year.
I am a bit confused here, has there been a change in policy and therefore, has line 160 of Manager.php ignored?
There also seems to be some confusion within Minds Inc. Both yourself, @jotto141 (the COO) and @javanick (administrator) were not made fully aware of any changes regarding the reward system during the last month.
Finally, if there has been a change in policy (which affects all users) then why wasn't there any (easily to find) notifications provided to the users (via a pinned H&S post or blog article)?
There has not been a change in policy. We were giving out 2* the number of tokens for a period of time, and that is now back to how it was prior to that, @luculent is correct, and our documentation does not reflect this.
We are very much listening to the feedback on the documentation site, and are actively building on it as we go forward. I think an area for rewards would be a good idea, so I've went ahead and made a card for that here docs#24 (closed).
With all due respect how can an alteration in the amount of rewards that have been provided not be considered as a change of policy?
Anyway irrelevant of the above question, the main point of this ticket is to ascertain why there was no public announcement for this alteration and also why certain key staff members were not informed about this alteration prior to the actual implementation of the alteration?
(The 2nd paragraph is mainly directed at both @jotto141 and @ottman. I think that it would be fair for either of these two senior staff members to provide a further explanation.)
@ottman, I am glad that you are intending to post an update about this. However I am not "arguing over semantics", I am talking about clear and transparent communication between the providers of the service and the user base (lets call it "good consumer relations").
I am also wondering (as stated above) why key staff members were not informed of this change prior to the implementation and why I personally needed to conduct an investigation (which has now spanned the course of 3 weeks) before any further action was considered?
I hope that this sort of brake down in communication can be avoided in the future.