Moderation queue number incorrect & posts duplicating.
If you are a moderator of a closed group, when you've approved all of the posts, you will likely see one or two still remaining, that you are unable to approve, as they are not in the queue. You will also see that some posts that you have already approved, are duplicate in the feed, one approved entity, one unapproved, with nothing in the moderation queue.
Steps to reproduce
Requires that you are a group moderator of a closed group.
Platform information
Cross-platform web
What is the current bug behavior?
Queue will show posts awaiting approval that are not
What is the expected correct behavior?
Queue should show empty if there are no posts to approve, furthermore posts should not be getting duplicated.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Video at this link
Possible fixes
(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
Edited by Mark Harding