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......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class EarningsDashboard implements DashboardInterface
return [
'category' => 'earnings',
'label' => 'Pro Earnings',
'description' => 'Earnings for PRO members will be paid out within 30 days upon reaching a minumum balance of $100.00.',
'description' => 'Earnings for Pro members will be paid out within 30 days upon reaching a minumum balance of $100.00.',
'timespan' => $this->timespansCollection->getSelected()->getId(),
'timespans' => $this->timespansCollection->export(),
'metric' => $this->metricsCollection->getSelected()->getId(),
......@@ -279,6 +279,15 @@ class Push implements Interfaces\NotificationExtensionInterface
case 'messenger_invite':
return sprintf('@%s wants to chat with you!', $name);
case 'referral_ping':
return sprintf('Free tokens are waiting for you! Once you join the rewards program by setting up your Minds wallet, both you and @%s will earn tokens for your referral', $name);
case 'referral_pending':
return sprintf('You have a pending referral! @%s used your referral link when they signed up for Minds. You\'ll get tokens once they join the rewards program and set up their wallet', $name);
case 'referral_complete':
return sprintf('You\'ve earned tokens for the completed referral of @%s', $name);
return "";