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Signup events for analytics

Emiliano Balbuena requested to merge goal/signup-cookie-id into master


Push signup events to analyze user conversions

ElasticSearch Mappings

  • NEW: minds-metrics-* -> bool pro_referrer

Steps to test

  • Port forward sandbox sites elasticsearch cluster to your local machine (optional)
  • Open your elasticsearch browser and open minds-metrics-* index
  • Sort by @timestamp descending
  • Open the review site, and create a new user. Don't do anything else after that to avoid unnnecesary events.
  • Refresh your minds-metrics-* view on ElasticSearch browser
  • Ensure there's a signup metric with a user_guid and a cookie_id value set (might be the third or fourth row from the top). Filtering by cookie_id (which has the same value a mwa cookie on the website).
  • Log out from the site.
  • Create a new user using this link:
  • Refresh your minds-metrics-* view on ElasticSearch browser
  • Ensure there's a new signup metric with referrer_guid and pro_referrer set to true.

Note: This one might be tricky for @xander-miller to test as it's a backend-only storage change. The main concern is to ensure new user registration works OK.

Example data: image

Estimated Regression Scope

New block of code executed at register/complete event, might affect user sign-up.

Edited by Emiliano Balbuena

Merge request reports
