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  • Anthony Pham's avatar
    Update Stream Analytics Cmdlets to use new SDK (#4200) · 0c00632a
    Anthony Pham authored
    * Update Stream Analytics Cmdlets to use new SDK
    - Updated the Stream Analytics NuGet reference to 2.0.0
    - Added Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure and
    Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework NuGets to
    - Updated various other NuGet dependencies to more up to date versions
    - Updated cmdlet code to use the new Stream Analytics management SDK
    - Updated test infrastructure to use the new test framework
    - Removed code references to Hyak libraries since the new version of the
    SDK was not built on top of Hyak anymore
    - Added more validation logic to tests
    - Re-ran tests and updated the session records
    * Suppress breaking changes error messages
    - Discussed with PowerShell team and got confirmation from them that the
    "The type of property X..." error messages can be safely ignored. They
    are not breaking changes since the type was simply renamed and the
    properties were preserved.
    - For "The property 'Type'..." error messages can also be ignored since
    those are discriminatory types used for serialization/deserialization
    and the property is no longer produced when using Swagger/AutoRest based
    - For the remaining DateTime type error, I do not see any reference to
    that property in the Commands.StreamAnalytics.* projects. I believe this
    may be a case where the property is not exposed to the customer and
    therefore means there is no breaking change associated with this error.