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Move IPSec EAP PSK to vault

Steve Starke requested to merge sstrk/ipsec-vault into devel

Version Control Information

Source branch: sstrk/ipsec-vault
Target branch: devel


* Move IPSec EAP PSK to vault

We want to drop the passwordstore very soon. The IPSec pre-shared key
is one of the few things which still need to be moved to vault.
The migration is kept relatively simple, although we can't avoid to
update the gateway and orchestrator policies. I decided to give the
orchestrator role only read privileges, because the value does not have
to get updated frequently but usually just once (and if rotated).


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Merge Prerequisites

  • MR title (and description) are descriptive
  • Code is readable and syntactically correct
  • Code is understandable
  • Documentation has been updated, if necessary
  • Commit messages look good
  • Release note file added in latest commit

As a developer: please do not tick these boxes yourself. As a reviewer: please get yourself a hot cold beverage.

Merge request reports
