Error after Full Upgrade with New Installation: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'search_s'
Dear Éloi, thank you so much for the latest changes to the code.
Unfortunately, my previously working installation using version [0.0.26] - 2023-06-03 stopped behaving properly, even though I have:
Completely reinstalled Canaille version [0.0.30] - 2023-07-06 in a newly created Python 3.9 virtualenv
Used the new config.sample.toml
as template to massage into it my old settings.
Here is what I get, when I run Canaille's configuration file (using CONFIG=[configuration_file_location]
check via su -m canaille -c "canaille check"
from within the virtualenv for easier debugging (I normally run it via uwsgi):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/canaille/bin/canaille", line 8, in <module>
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1157, in __call__
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1078, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1688, in invoke
return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1434, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 783, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 34, in new_func
return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/flask/", line 357, in decorator
return __ctx.invoke(f, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 783, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/app/", line 35, in check
validate(current_app.config, validate_remote=True)
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/app/", line 77, in validate
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/backends/ldap/", line 169, in validate
user = models.User(
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/core/", line 8, in __init__ = set()
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/backends/ldap/", line 191, in __setattr__
if name in self.ldap_object_attributes():
File "/usr/local/canaille/lib/python3.9/site-packages/canaille/backends/ldap/", line 276, in ldap_object_attributes
res = conn.search_s(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'search_s'
Accordingly, the programme throws a non-specific error, as soon as I enter a valid email as user identifier, telling me:
Not very helpful, I know. But this and the above are the only error messages I could extract.
A copy of my Canaille config.toml
# All the Flask configuration values can be used:
# The flask secret key for cookies. You MUST change this.
#SECRET_KEY = "change me before you go in production"
SECRET_KEY = "[50_character-long-random_string]"
# Your organization name.
#NAME = "Canaille"
NAME = "C4C"
# The interface on which canaille will be served
#SERVER_NAME = "auth.mydomain.tld"
SERVER_NAME = "auth.[my.domain]"
# You can display a logo to be recognized on login screens
#LOGO = "/static/img/canaille-head.png"
LOGO = "/static/img/c4c_logo.png"
# Your favicon. If unset the LOGO will be used.
#FAVICON = "/static/img/canaille-c.png"
FAVICON = "/static/img/c4c_favicon.ico"
# The name of a theme in the 'theme' directory, or an absolute path
# to a theme. Defaults to 'default'. Theming is done with
# THEME = "default"
# If unset, language is detected
# LANGUAGE = "en"
# The timezone in which datetimes will be displayed to the users.
# If unset, the server timezone will be used.
# If you have a sentry instance, you can set its dsn here:
# Enables javascript to smooth the user experience
# Accelerates webpages with async requests
# HTMX = true
# If HIDE_INVALID_LOGINS is set to true (the default), when a user
# tries to sign in with an invalid login, a message is shown indicating
# that the password is wrong, but does not give a clue wether the login
# exists or not.
# If HIDE_INVALID_LOGINS is set to false, when a user tries to sign in with
# an invalid login, a message is shown indicating that the login does not
# exist.
# If ENABLE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY is false, then users cannot ask for a password
# recovery link by email. This option is true by default.
# The validity duration of registration invitations, in seconds.
# Defaults to 2 days
# LEVEL can be one value among:
# Defaults to WARNING
# The path of the log file. If not set (the default) logs are
# written in the standard error output.
# PATH = ""
PATH = "/var/log/canaille/canaille.log"
#URI = "ldap://ldap"
URI = "ldaps://ldap.jail.vlan"
#ROOT_DN = "dc=mydomain,dc=tld"
ROOT_DN = "o=C4C"
BIND_DN = "cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=tld"
BIND_DN = "cn=admin,o=C4C"
#BIND_PW = "admin"
BIND_PW = "[admin_ldap_password]"
# Where to search for users?
#USER_BASE = "ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=tld"
USER_BASE = "ou=People,o=C4C"
# The object class to use for creating new users
USER_CLASS = "inetOrgPerson"
# "extensibleObject",
# "inetOrgPerson",
# "qmailUser",
# "top",
# The attribute to identify an object in the User dn.
#USER_RDN = "uid"
USER_RDN = "mail"
# Filter to match users on sign in. Jinja syntax is supported
# and a `login` variable is available containing the value
# passed in the login field.
#USER_FILTER = "(|(uid={{ login }})(mail={{ login }}))"
USER_FILTER = "(mail={ login })"
# Where to search for groups?
#GROUP_BASE = "ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=tld"
GROUP_BASE = "ou=Groups,o=C4C"
# The object class to use for creating new groups
# GROUP_CLASS = "groupOfNames"
# The attribute to identify an object in the User dn.
# GROUP_RDN = "cn"
# The attribute to use to identify a group
# You can define access controls that define what users can do on canaille
# An access control consists in a FILTER to match users, a list of PERMISSIONS
# matched users will be able to perform, and fields users will be able
# to READ and WRITE. Users matching several filters will cumulate permissions.
# 'FILTER' parameter can be:
# - absent, in which case all the users will match this access control
# - a mapping where keys are user attributes name and the values those user
# attribute values. All the values must be matched for the user to be part
# of the access control.
# - a list of those mappings. If a user values match at least one mapping,
# then the user will be part of the access control
# Here are some examples
# FILTER = {user_name = 'admin'}
# - {groups = 'admins}
# - {groups = 'moderators'}
# The 'PERMISSIONS' parameter that is an list of items the users in the access
# control will be able to manage. 'PERMISSIONS' is optionnal. Values can be:
# - "edit_self" to allow users to edit their own profile
# - "use_oidc" to allow OpenID Connect authentication
# - "manage_oidc" to allow OpenID Connect client managements
# - "manage_users" to allow other users management
# - "manage_groups" to allow group edition and creation
# - "delete_account" allows a user to delete his own account. If used with
# manage_users, the user can delete any account
# - "impersonate_users" to allow a user to take the identity of another user
# The 'READ' and 'WRITE' attributes are the LDAP attributes of the user
# object that users will be able to read and/or write.
PERMISSIONS = ["edit_self", "use_oidc"]
READ = [
#FILTER = {groups = "admins"}
# "manage_users",
# "manage_groups",
# "manage_oidc",
# "delete_account",
# "impersonate_users",
#WRITE = [
# "groups",
# "lock_date",
# Wether a token is needed for the RFC7591 dynamical client registration.
# If true, no token is needed to register a client.
# If false, dynamical client registration needs a token defined
# A list of tokens that can be used for dynamic client registration
# "xxxxxxx-yyyyyyy-zzzzzz",
# ]
PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and PUBLIC_KEY_FILE are the paths to the private and
# the public key. You can generate a RSA keypair with:
# openssl genrsa -out private.pem 4096
# openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public.pem
# If the variables are unset, and debug mode is enabled,
# a in-memory keypair will be used.
#PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "/path/to/private.pem"
PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "/usr/local/etc/canaille/private.pem"
#PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = "/path/to/public.pem"
PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = "/usr/local/etc/canaille/public.pem"
# The URI of the identity provider
# ISS = "https://auth.mydomain.tld"
# The key type parameter
# KTY = "RSA"
# The key algorithm
# ALG = "RS256"
# The time the JWT will be valid, in seconds
# EXP = 3600
# Mapping between JWT fields and LDAP attributes from your
# User objectClass.
# {attribute} will be replaced by the user ldap attribute value.
# Default values fits inetOrgPerson.
# SUB = "{{ user.user_name[0] }}"
# NAME = "{{ user.formatted_name[0] }}"
# PHONE_NUMBER = "{{ user.phone_numbers[0] }}"
MOBILE = "{{ user.phone_number[0] }}"
# EMAIL = "{{ user.preferred_email }}"
# GIVEN_NAME = "{{ user.given_name[0] }}"
# FAMILY_NAME = "{{ user.family_name[0] }}"
# PREFERRED_USERNAME = "{{ user.display_name }}"
# LOCALE = "{{ user.preferred_language }}"
# ADDRESS = "{{ user.formatted_address[0] }}"
# PICTURE = "{% if %}{{ url_for('', user=user, field='photo', _external=True
) }}{% endif %}"
# WEBSITE = "{{ user.profile_url[0] }}"
# The SMTP server options. If not set, mail related features such as
# user invitations, and password reset emails, will be disabled.
#HOST = "localhost"
# We are running a local mail server in a different FreeBSD jail
HOST = "mail.jail.vlan"
# PORT = 25
# TLS = false
# SSL = false
# LOGIN = ""
#FROM_ADDR = "admin@mydomain.tld"
FROM_ADDR = "webmaster@[my.domain]"
The uwsgi config file looks like this:
virtualenv =/usr/local/canaille
socket =
env = CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/canaille/config.toml
uid = canaille
gid = canaille
module = canaille:create_app()
lazy-apps = true
master = true
processes = 1
threads = 10
need-app = true
thunder-lock = true
touch-chain-reload = /var/run/canaille/uwsgi-reload.fifo
enable-threads = true
reload-on-rss = 1024
worker-reload-mercy = 600
buffer-size = 65535
disable-write-exception = true
# clear environment on exit
vacuum = true
# respawn processes after serving 100 requests
max-requests = 100
respawn processes taking more than 180 seconds
harakiri = 180
static-map = /static=canaille/static
Guess I missed something really stupid... Any ideas - thanks a lot for your kind help and advice! Chris