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A decentralized platform to create, collab, commission, buy and sell NFT music for the new era.

A paradigm shift experiment in music:
what if music where not bought but supported?,
what if music werent private but public?,
What if we treat all musics as common wealth?.

Why musicShares?

Music as NFt is yet an undexplored area. This project, MusicShares, aims to promote the creation and developtment of musical projects, collaboration between artists, and commissionement of new works, through an NFT/SFT buying and selling mechanism under a paradigm of colaboration.

The purpose of this DAO is to empower artists and its comunities to create and support music development.

How it works?

  • Musical projects are minted as NFTs with the funding of Commisioner/s.
  • After minted, SFTs based on the original NFT are minted and sold. Each SFT bought, retroactively funds the musical public good trough a mechanism that benefits and incentives both parties.

What creators can do?

  • mint and register your musical project into a DAO
  • pause or mint your music NFT
  • upgrade your music (upgradable contracts)
  • Accept and validate offchain commissions

What can commissioners do with this?

  • they can make requests, follow the projects.
  • Approve, interact or dispute the result of their commission request

What Can Listeners do with this?

  • Retroactively fund the music they love


  • Offchain commissioning (innovation!)
  • Offchain signing (EIP-3668)
  • NFT Royalty Standard compatibility(EIP-2981)
  • Delegated minting (after aution was fullfilled price is payed by commissioner)
  • openZeppelin bootstraped smart contracts

MusicShares Manifest:

  • Music is a public good
  • Music is created with the support of world wide comunities and individuals
  • Decentraliced commissioning validates implicitly a mechanism for creators to earn income.
  • Music belongs to the creators and also to their communities
  • Knoledge is free, and music is knowledge



ETHGlobal price winner!!!


  • Developed by Xunorus and a comunity of undisclosed thinkers.


© Xunorus 2021