Common Democracy powered by git (Recall powered by lug-ts)
Succeed this as Final → Snippets partly done 2021-06-12 : Common Democracy requires Common Consense requires a technical
interface to sync and diffsync in an open manner – git mesh blockchain
Any and This see E-Mail-List lug-ts, and Twitter. German. « pre 2019-04-12 ff. « pre 2019-04-16
This is a very simple path to understand why Uniform Basic Income (succ naming)
is inevitable. Snippet:
open/close spotlight «draft work | per 2019-04-17 to»
Web Social: Active … Destructive vs Bots → Paywall: Subscription-Price ||
Freeloaders Trolls Bots → UBI (Uniform Basic Income).
» there must be an option to catch up with quality information, here at least
topic specific, for all
"": CommonDemocracy requires CommonConsense requires a technical
interface to sync and diffsync in an open manner (buzz: git mesh blockchain
» considering quality information given, even e.g. the law may emerge as
CommonConsense by messaging within an authorized topic specific group, resulting
less party than merit
"News-Portal": Subscription-Price versus ConversationReturn per discussion input*
Requires CommonConventions acceptable for the issuer. Requires transparent
measurement of EV comment expected value. 'kind of democratic comprehension.
Example given, twttr should've an Invest tab for incoming pay-wall-tweets w/
MDN message disposition notification. Fetch your credit voucher at the next Trafik.
Details avail on Twitter. Mostly German. Acutally this is independent of
religion, parties, any. Please don't get shocked by the headline and my humor.
"Headline lang-DE": The 10 Commandments Moses' but now comprehendible.
"Snippets lang-DE": Some context.
- incoming guess (line off if inappropriate)
- guess mining
- earned value
push button « article vs comment cashback processing
[£] := respektieren (engl. donate) « audit-trail this w/ fix basket currency
[#] := Schwedische Gardinen (engl. 'kind of prison') « audit-trail this w/ optional half-life currency
Waiting for who (?)
Install a:
Mesh Social Governments associated in parallel to current proprietary « challenge and there is no other -
Proprietary Government individual in red « address of smooth transition
decide yourself – buzz – like creative commons, free general, continuous improvement, keep it as pythonic, none-barrier-wall