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v.2.0 brings a total rewrite to Moriohs Toon Shader.
In v.2.0 you will not just get more features but also much more performance as well as bug fixes and general quality of life improvements.
The performance overhead from the node based surface shader is gone and the shader does not rely on third party software anymore which gives developers an easyier chance to fork this project and add their own features to it.
This also gave me much more freedome on how to work inside the shader which in return gives you the user a much better quality overall as for example Normal Maps are more detailed now.

- The Shader Inspector now supports 3 inline properties which makes it a little cleaner, it also got a slight performance increase.

- Added Silents Inventory System with some additions, a how to use Guide can be found here from [Silent themself here](, thank you Silent <3

- d4rkpl4y3r has been working with me to bring full support for his optimizer [d4rkAvatarOptimizer](

- Full Standard Shader Fallback support.

- Unity Package Manager support.
Add the (https clone URL:"") of the gitlab repo into Unitys Package Manager and get faster and less complicated updates, this may require [GIT](
Updates via the Package Manager are not possible in Unity versions before 2021.2.11, hence why i did implement my own way to update the package via the Material Inspector Update Button on the very bottom, this will either update the package if installed under Packages via one click or if the package is not installed under Packages then it will open a link and start downloading the git repo as a .zip file as usual, both ways are supported!
KEEP IN MIND BEFORE YOU SWITCH TO THE PACKAGE MANAGER VERSION THAT YOU SHOULD MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR PROJECT FIRST, then boot your project and delete all Shader files from my Shader including textures off your Assets folder, only then try to use the Package Manager! The problem here are Unitys GUIDs, if you're lucky with this method your links may not break in your project.