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  • Marcel's avatar
    Version 0.2.0, containing following features: · 701d4a8f
    Marcel authored
     - Have seperated types for Checked, Unchecked, Wrapping behavior.
       This will give you compiler support to not mix up rather then just documentation telling you
     - Added a function to get a Wrapping subpool from a Checked Pool
     - Added more concrete error Types
     - changed examples to use those error types for main()
     - Added a function to use the full range of a type `::new_full()`,
       this uses `num_traits` crate and is optional
     - removes special behavior when Wrapping wrapped around a full time
     - Added Debug and PartialEq to most types
     - Added more tests for all lines except `match _ {`
     - Somehow speed increased to 600.000.000ops/s, prob due to compiler
       Its 1.5 seconds with checks, and 0.6 without for 1,000,000,000 ops