[PATCH] Update TLS Ciphers
This issue was migrated from bug 9144 in our old bug tracker.
Original bug information:
Reporter: Peter Wu
Product: Wireshark
Component: Dissection engine (libwireshark)
OS: All
Platform: All
Version: 1.10.2
wireshark-camellia.patch: Add support for Camellia ciphers
wireshark-ciphers.patch: Add more TLS cipher suites (SEED, AES-GCM, ECC)
repro-sslv3.tar.gz: repro-sslv3.tar.gz (premaster, pcapng, ssl debug_file)
wireshark-fix-0007.patch: Fix decryption of TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA (0x0007)
dump.pcapng: dump.pcapng (for non-TLS ciphers)
premaster.txt: premaster.txt (for non-TLS ciphers, dump is attachment id 11568)
wireshark-fix-digest-length.patch: Fix digest length for TLS_DHE_DSS_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
ws-fix-exp.patch: Fix effective bits for cipher suites 98 and 99
ws-drop-dig-exp.patch: Drop export_cipher and dig_len, cleaner digest access
ws-cbc.patch: Use IV from record for CBC mode, add padding/IV length check
0001-Drop-export_cipher-and-dig_len-cleaner-digest-access.patch: [PATCH 1/4] Drop export_cipher and dig_len, cleaner digest access
0002-Correct-cipher-suites-list-add-TLS_-annotations.patch: [PATCH 2/4] Correct cipher suites list, add TLS_ annotations
0003-Use-IV-from-record-for-CBC-mode-add-padding-IV-lengt.patch: [PATCH 3/4] Use IV from record for CBC mode, add padding/IV length check
0004-Really-add-support-for-AEAD-ciphers-GCM.patch: [PATCH 4/4] Really add support for AEAD ciphers (GCM)
dump.pcapng: capture for all ciphers except SRP and PSK
premaster.txt: premaster for all ciphers except SRP and PSK, attachment 11612
premaster.txt: premaster for all ciphers except SRP and PSK (v2), attachment 11612
0001-Enable-RC2-support-with-libgcrypt.patch: [PATCH] Enable RC2 support with libgcrypt
0001-Use-IV-from-record-for-CBC-mode-add-padding-IV-lengt.patch: Fix crash when IV is missing as expected (backport for 1.8 and 1.10)
See also:
Issue #6594 (closed)
Issue #9174 (closed)