ISUP/BICC parameter summary text duplication
Parameters with digits and all optional parameters include the parameter name twice.
Steps to reproduce
See the verbose output in TShark or collapse to the ISUP layer in Wireshark.
What is the current bug behavior?
One form of duplication appears in parameters that have BCD-encoded digits printed:
$ tshark -nVr isup_iam.anon.pcap | grep -i 'party number[^:]'
Called Party NumberCalled Party Number: 00112222222222F
Mandatory Parameter: Called party number (4)
E.164 Called party number digits: 00112222222222F
Parameter: (t=10, l=8) Calling party number: Calling party numberCalling Party Number: 33444444444
Optional Parameter: Calling party number (10)
E.164 Calling party number digits: 33444444444
Note also that the latter has some difference in casing (not exact duplicates).
Optional parameters have their name printed twice:
$ tshark -nVr isup_iam.anon.pcap | grep 'Parameter: ('
Parameter: (t=8, l=1) Optional forward call indicators: Optional forward call indicators : non-CUG call (128)
Parameter: (t=10, l=8) Calling party number: Calling party numberCalling Party Number: 33444444444
Parameter: (t=29, l=3) User service information: User service information
Note also the inconsistencies in whitespace around the colon separator before the parameter value.
What is the expected correct behavior?
I would expect the following output:
Called party number: 00112222222222F
Parameter: (t=8, l=1) Optional forward call indicators: non-CUG call (128)
Parameter: (t=10, l=8) Calling party number: 33444444444
Parameter: (t=29, l=3) User service information
Sample capture file
Build information
TShark (Wireshark) 3.6.3 (Git commit 6d348e4611e2)