Invalid characters in show attribute in PDML output
This issue was migrated from bug 1110 in our old bug tracker.
Original bug information:
Reporter: Paul Blankenbaker
Product: Wireshark
Component: TShark
OS: Linux
Platform: x86
Version: 0.99.3
badxml.pcap: Capture file containing packets (4, 16, ...) which demonstrate the issue.
badxml4.pdml: PDML output of frame 4 showing the issue.
badxml16.pdml: PDML output of frame 16 showing the issue
toto.xml: PDML output with wrong data
tata.pcap: Minimal pcap file to reproduce the problem.
tata.xml: Pdml output of the previous pcap, from tethereal / tshark
tutu.xml: PDML output of the previous pcap, from wireshark
titi.pcap: Pcap problem that is still troublesome