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  • Gerald Combs's avatar
    Remove modelines in ui/qt. · d3f17ee0
    Gerald Combs authored and A Wireshark GitLab Utility's avatar A Wireshark GitLab Utility committed
    Remove the editor modeline blocks from most of the source files in ui/qt
    by running
        perl -i -p0e 's{ \n+ /[ *\n]+ editor \s+ modelines .* shiftwidth= .* \*/ \s+ } {\n}gsix' $( ag -g '\.(cpp|h)' )
    then cleaning up the remaining files by hand.
    This *shouldn't* affect anyone since
    - All of the source files in ui/qt use 4 space indentation, which
      matches the default in our top-level .editorconfig
    - The one notable editor that's likely to be used on these files and
      *doesn't* support EditorConfig (Qt Creator) defaults to 4 space