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  • Rajiv Prabhakar's avatar
    v2.0.9 release: · 6c2b0905
    Rajiv Prabhakar authored
    - CheckedExceptionWrapper now passes the cause and message via constructor, instead of overriding the get methods. Latter approach does not always seem to work
    - CheckedExceptionWrapper stack-trace now set using setStackTrace(), instead of trying to override the get methods. Latter approach does not seem to work in log4j2
    - CheckedExceptionWrapper static builders added, and constructor marked as protected
    - CheckedExceptionWrapper.wrapIfNeeded added, and used in various places
    - ThreadUtilc.fork now uses a cached-thread-pool, to avoid creating a new thread every time where possible
    - New ExecutorServiceDelegator interface added: enables easy composition using another ExecutorService, instead of inheriting from it