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  • Pavan Rikhi's avatar
    [#141] Add Ability to Import Bank Statements · 673b1586
    Pavan Rikhi authored
    This patch adds a `bank_import` app which allows users to upload and
    import their Bank Statements. After uploading a bank statement(in CSV or
    QFX format), the application presents a form where accountants can add
    any entries from the statement that have not been entered into the
    system yet. Entries may have their account, memo and payee/payor
    prefilled if there are similar entries from previous months.
    Accountants can add ranges of check numbers that are automatically
    assigned an Account, Memo, & Payee.
    Currently only Virginia Community Bank & City First - Bank of DC are
    supported, but there is a BaseImporter class that may be subclassed to
    add additional banks.
    Closes #141