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Tag for release: jetty-10.0.9

 + 5681 Unrecognized jetty-home/start.jar command line option not reported
 + 5965 Option --write-module-graph produces wrong .dot file
 + 6879 Remove jminix (not maintained) module as hawtio provide same features
 + 7182 start process should remove jetty_state whenever deleting the
 + 7344 Incompatible with jacoco due to shutdown race condition
 + 7414 QoSFilter.setMaxRequests throws NullPointerException
 + 7513 Getter/setter type mismatch for mbean attribute file in class
 + 7517 Some ArrayTrie methods throw StackOverflowError when cointaining a very
   large entry
 + 7518 ArrayTrie getBest fails to match the empty string entry in certain
 + 7545 Named arguments do not work in jetty-openid.xml
 + 7548 Interrupt flag is not always cleared in between requests
 + 7567 Gzip compression not working for multipart/form-data when added to the
   allowed list using addIncludedMimeTypes.
 + 7573 WebSockets - "Unsupported PathParam Type: java.lang.Integer"
 + 7575 Misleading docs for `HttpClientTransportDynamic`
 + 7613 Configurations.add(Configuration) results in
 + 7615 HttpServletResponse.encodeURL not working for URLs starting with ../
 + 7617 Logback-access RequestLog not working
 + 7625 HTTP/3 error against
 + 7677 jetty-maven-plugin - maven internal dependencies included on webapp
 + 7683 GZIPContentDecoder ignores setUseInputDirectByteBuffers setting and
   always uses non-direct buffers (causing GC locking)
 + 7688 Read data to native memory from HttpInput
 + 7748 Allow overriding of url-pattern mapping in ServletContextHandler to
   allow for regex or uri-template matching