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Replace Firecraker's seccomp with seccomp-sys

Sergio Lopez requested to merge (removed):replace_seccomp into main

Some distributions require all crate dependencies to be packaged individually. This implies that depending on the whole Firecracker repository would make things very hard for us to get virtiofsd-rs packaged.

This change replaces the dependency on Firecracker's seccomp with seccomp-sys, which is a crate providing raw bindings for libseccomp. This means we add the latter as a both a build time and run time dependency, but that should be fine as the C implementation also depends on it.

I've also considered adding syscallz, which provides safe wrappers on top of syscomp-sys, but that one also depends on strut, which we need to drop from our dependencies due to its problematic versioning policy.

Signed-off-by: Sergio Lopez

Merge request reports