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WIP: Address issue #741. Chat input color and icon reflect channel message is sent to.

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This commit does two things.

  1. It address the original issue of #741 (closed) where now the chat input text color reflects that of the channel the text is being sent to (world/region/say/ etc...).

However, as a comment on the issue suggested this is not enough because:

  • Individuals will have to memorize what colors correspond to what channels which could be difficult.
  • For individuals who have difficulty differentiating colors (e.g. color blindness), this change could be completely meaningless.
  1. Therefore, along with the text color changing, preceding the actual input the chat icon corresponding to the channel appears. This makes it easier for individuals to know which channel their message will being sent to.

Veloren_10_21_2020_6_12_19_PM Veloren_10_21_2020_6_12_41_PM Veloren_10_21_2020_6_13_01_PM

Edited by Nathan Ward

Merge request reports