Tracking: Economy rework
Citing !2547 (closed)
- Overhauled economic simulation to match this year's crafting system (the old system was designed to match last year's content; this shows in strange prices)
- Biome specific tech trees and goods (e.g. food and housing)
- Correct planning of the number of Merchants needed to buy missing goods (currently broken, got worse with this year's map change)
- Matrix based optimization algorithms replace the old map based code (in progress)
Long term goals:
- Biome specific houses, population and gear in towns (the economy determines what is available in which quantities)
- Profession assignment for NPCs (working, idle, daytime dependent activities etc)
- The new Assignment system works well (although it is not as clever about alternative production options as it could be (e.g. stone house versus hut))
- The mapping to items is work in progress.
parallelizing econ simulation (multiple threads) -
another test (can a town in woodlands/… sustain people?) -
weighted sum for labor_value (no longer None once it gets not produced) -
debugging information why each profession is non-productive (starvation)
In review
Open issues of the rewrite ("shredded economy"):
implement proper delta time -
properly value trade (correct cost/benefit calculation) -
avoid overproduction / faster convergence and no-overproduction due to minimizing quadratic error -
compute natural resources from wildlife+loot -
re-implement tools (reusable Goods) -
re-implement equivalences (e.g. bone+skin for buildings) -
removing copies and caching internals (speedup) (partially done -
specifying decay rate etc. in a ron file
specifying econsim Good amounts in each item.ron
Edited by Christof Petig