/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark-Stylus
@version      0.1.0
@author       vednoc
@description  Dark theme for Stylus, the extension.
@namespace    gitlab.com/vednoc/dark-stylus
@homepageURL  https://gitlab.com/vednoc/dark-stylus
@supportURL   https://gitlab.com/vednoc/dark-stylus/issues
@updateURL    https://gitlab.com/vednoc/dark-stylus/raw/master/stylus.user.styl
@preprocessor stylus

@var text b_radius 'Custom border radius' 3px

@var color dark    'Color: Primary bg   ' #292929
@var color darken  'Color: Highlight bg ' #333333
@var color darker  'Color: Secondary bg ' #424242
@var color light   'Color: Primary fg   ' #e6e6e6
@var color lighter 'Color: Secondary fg ' #bababa
@var color accent  'Color: Accent       ' #bf692b
@var color yellow  'Color: Yellow       ' #f0c674
@var color orange  'Color: Orange       ' #d98245
@var color red     'Color: Red          ' #a54242
@var color magenta 'Color: Magenta      ' #b294bb
@var color violet  'Color: Violet       ' #85678f
@var color blue    'Color: Blue         ' #54738c
@var color cyan    'Color: Cyan         ' #5e8d87
@var color green   'Color: Green        ' #7b823a
@var color white   'Color: White        ' #ffffff
@var color shadow  'Color: Shadow       ' #00000025
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp('^(moz|chrome)-extension://.*$')
        --dark    dark
        --darken  darken
        --darker  darker
        --light   light
        --lighter lighter
        --accent  accent
        --shadow  shadow
        --yellow  yellow
        --orange  orange
        --red     red
        --magenta magenta
        --violet  violet
        --blue    blue
        --cyan    cyan
        --green   green
        --white   white
        --t       transparent
        --radius  b_radius
        scrollbar-color var(--darker) var(--dark)

    i       = !important
    bg      = var(--dark)
    hl      = var(--darken)
    bd      = var(--darker)
    fg      = var(--light)
    cm      = var(--lighter)
    ac      = var(--accent)
    sh      = var(--shadow)
    yellow  = var(--yellow)
    orange  = var(--orange)
    red     = var(--red)
    magenta = var(--magenta)
    violet  = var(--violet)
    blue    = var(--blue)
    cyan    = var(--cyan)
    green   = var(--green)
    white   = var(--white)
    t       = var(--t)
    r       = var(--radius)
    btn     = calc(var(--radius) / 2)

    // Colors mixin.
    c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1)
        if x is a 'call' or x is a 'rgba'
            color: xi is 0 ? x : x i
        if y is a 'call' or y is a 'rgba'
            border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i
        if z is a 'call' or z is a 'rgba'
            background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i

    // Border radius mixin.
        border-radius arguments

        c cm 0 bg
            fill cm i
            transition 0.15s ease
            c fg
                c ac
            transition 0.15s ease
            c 0 cm
                c 0 cm cm
            &.checked, &:checked
                c 0 cm
                + .svg-icon.checked
                    fill ac i
            &.disabled, &:disabled
                opacity 0.5
                c 0 cm
                + .svg-icon.checked
                    opacity 0.5
                    fill cm i
                    + span
                        c cm
            radius r
            transition 0.15s ease
            c fg bd bg
            box-shadow inset 0 2px 4px sh
            + .svg-icon
                fill fg i
                c fg 0 bg
        input:not(.slider), button
            border 1px solid
            transition 0.15s ease
            background none
            radius r
            c cm bd bg
            box-shadow inset 0 2px 4px sh
                c fg 0 bd

        /// UserCSS -> Reset header's height.
        .has-warnings #header
            min-height unset
            max-height 40px

    // Dropdowns.
            radius r
            c cm 0 bg
            box-shadow 0 4px 8px 0 sh, 0 0 0 1px bd i
                radius r r 0 0
                radius 0 0 r r
                c fg 0 bd

                c 0 0 hl
                &-link, &:hover .style-name-link
                    c fg
                    background linear-gradient(90deg, bd -100%, t)
            &.disabled h2::after
                c cm 0 bd
            /// UserCSS badges.
            &.usercss .style-name-link::after
                c 0 0 ac

        c cm bd bg
        box-shadow 0 0 16px sh
        h1, summary
            c fg
        @media (min-width: 850px)
            border-right-style solid
        @media (max-width: 850px)
            border-bottom-style solid
            transition 0.15s ease
            max-height 40px
                max-height 300px

            /// Striped colors.
                c 0 0 t
                background linear-gradient(90deg, bd -100%, t)
            /// Style position.
            &:nth-child(-n + 10):before, &:nth-child(11):before
                c cm
                background linear-gradient(90deg, bd, t)
            z-index -1
            transition 0.15s ease
            background none

    // UserCSS warnings.
        padding 0.5rem
        border 1px dashed
        c 0 red bg
        // TODO: Custom setting.
        @media (max-width: 850px)
            max-height 30vh i

    // UserCSS popup.
        c 0 0 t
        /// Backdrop.
            content ''
            top 0
            left 0
            right 0
            bottom 0
            z-index -1
            position absolute
            c 0 0 bd
            opacity 0.8
        /// Wrapper element.
        > div
            radius r
            c 0 0 t
            box-shadow 0 0 0 1px bd, 0 2px 8px -1px sh
        /// Header.
            radius r r 0 0
            padding 0.75rem 2.5rem
            c 0 0 hl
            box-shadow inset 0 -1px bd
            /// Logo.
                padding 0 1rem 1rem 0
                margin-left 0.5rem
                background-size cover
        /// Body.
            c 0 0 bg
            .config-body label
                c 0 bd
                    padding-bottom 0.75em
            /// On/off switches.
                > span
                    c 0 0 bd
                    box-shadow inset 0 2px 4px sh
                        transition 0.15s ease
                        c 0 0 bg
                        box-shadow inset 0 0 8px -4px ac, 0 2px 4px -1px sh
                > input:checked + span::before
                    c 0 0 ac
                    box-shadow inset 0 0 4px 2px sh
                    border none
                    radius r
                    box-shadow 0 0 0 1px bd
            /// Whitespace around reset icon.
                padding 0.15rem 0.25rem
                margin-left 0.25rem
        /// Footer.
            c cm 0 hl
            radius 0 0 r r
            box-shadow inset 0 1px bd
                padding 0.4rem
                radius btn
                transition 0.15s ease
                background-image none
                c cm bd bg
                    c fg 0 bd

    // CodeMirror -> Wrapper.
        c fg 0 bg
        /// Gutters.
            c fg bd t
        /// Line numbers.
            opacity 0.6
            c cm
        /// Focused editor.
            outline ac auto 1px
        /// Cursor.
            c 0 fg
        /// Highlighted selection.
            c 0 0 bd
            r = 4px
            /// Rounded corners.
            &:nth-child(1) { radius: r r 0 0 }
            &:nth-child(2) { radius: 0 0 r r }
            &:nth-child(3) { radius: r 0 r 0 }
            &:first-child:last-child { radius: r i }
            /// Fix for selection body.
            &:nth-child(1)[style *= 'left: 4px']
                + [style *= 'left: 4px'] + [style *= 'left: 4px']
                    radius: 0 0 r 0
            /// The entire line selected.
            &:nth-child(2)[style *= 'width: 0px'] + div
                radius: 0 0 9px 9px i
            /// Single selected line.
            &:nth-child(1)[style *= 'left: 4px']
                &:nth-last-child(2)[style *= 'left: 4px']
                    radius: r i
        /// Highlighted line.
            c 0 0 hl
        /// Applies to.
            c 0 bd hl

    // CodeMirror -> Syntax highlighting.
            c cm
            c red
        &-variable-2, &-def
            c fg
        &-tag, &-builtin
            c orange
            c green
        &-variable-3, &-type, &-property
            c yellow
        &-number, &-atom
            c magenta
        &-string, &-qualifier
            c green

// Fix page colors for UserCSS source-files.
@-moz-document regexp('^file://.*\.user\.(css|styl|stylus|less)$')
        --dark    dark
        --lighter lighter

        color var(--lighter)
        background-color var(--dark)