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  • Guido Berhoerster's avatar
    Rename telephony-service to lomiri-telephony-service · 954ce975
    Guido Berhoerster authored and Ratchanan Srirattanamet's avatar Ratchanan Srirattanamet committed
    Prefix all installed files including libraries, executables and the indicators.
    This is required for integration into Debian because the name telephony-service
    is too generic.
      - resolve conflicts around gettext family of functions.
      - d/control: refers to the new, renamed version as 0.6.0~. This 1.)
        helps in case the package gets backported in Debian, and 2.) is
        needed in UBports CI since we automatically append `~` for
        UNRELEASED version.
      - Rename indicator service file name to be consistent with d/rules and
        binary name.