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Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.3)

For this build, focus on the following items for your testing:
- The new user selection screen.
- The app throughout still behaves as expected.

If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.


- Users can now turn on sharing, causing their user profile to be accessible through file sharing.
- Premium users can now directly open Spectre users stored in external apps, such as Apple's Files or third-party document storage providers.
- Update button when a new version is available from the App Store.


- Contrast improvements in the app's light themes.
- Sizing of background images in site detail views.
- Use of screen real-estate while keyboard is up, moving the user toolbar and identicon out into the view. Especially helpful for devices with smaller screens.


- The site search could cause the app to deadlock due to a race condition.
- The biometric login feature could fail to save the secret key in the keychain due to a race condition.
- Wrapping of button titles on small screens.
- Issues with sizing of the user interface in response to keyboard appearance.
- Show the correct initial identicon in secret fields.
- Ability to paste in certain empty fields such as the site URL.

Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing: