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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.10.2 protected Release: Version 0.10.2
    Release of Ptvpy 0.10.2
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.10.1 protected
    a7046651 · Update copyright to 2022 ·
    Release of Ptvpy 0.10.1
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.10.0 protected
    Release of PtvPy 0.10.0
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.9.1 protected
    Release of PtvPy 0.9.1
    Fixes package description and pins an important
    documentation dependency. The Python code is
    identical to release 0.9.0.
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.9.0 protected
    Release of PtvPy 0.9.0
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.8.0 protected
    Release of PtvPy 0.8.0
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.7.0 protected
    Release of PtvPy 0.7.0
    Released on 2019-10-28. This is a large release new features and many
    improvements. The list below isn't complete but highlights the most
    important changes.
    - Subcommands of ptvpy generate can now generate double images of
      particles which are seen as if evaluated with a double-helix point
      spread. Use the --helix option to encode the position of particles in
      the 3rd dimension as an angle between the double image of a particle.
    - PtvPy tries to be more informative about errors and shows hints for
      known cases. The --debug option now works for all exceptions.
    - Added the new command ptvpy profile diff that gives an quick overview
      about which profile values were changed.
    - A new plot type was added with ptvpy view violin.
    Command line
    - ptvpy process will try to give a better summary after processing data.
      The report may even include warnings if frames without any detected
      particles were encountered. The report can be shown at any time with
      ptvpy view summary.
    - ptvpy view’s subcommands are named more consistently and generate
      cleaner plots.
    - The ptvpy profile create command does not require the user to input a
      pattern matching the data files any more and uses the default value
      *.tif* unless a different pattern is passed with the option
      --data-files TEXT.
    - Commands that try to automatically detect a profile in the local
      folder now use the more liberal pattern *ptvpy*.toml (was
      *.ptvpy.toml). The new option --no-validation was added to these
      commands as well and explicitly toggles whether an invalid profile
      will be used.
    - The --profile option in ptvpy view was moved to its subcommands.
    - ptvpy process’s --step option can now be given multiple times.
    - Added examples to many commands to demonstrate their usage.
    - Many changes to the Python API to facilitate the changes above.
    - Improved the Installation, Introduction and Contributing guides.
    - This documentation now uses a new directives to automatically document
      PtvPy’s command line interface and profile options.
    - Provide project links in the sidebar of this documentation.
  • v0.6.1 protected
    Release of PtvPy version 0.6.1
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.
  • v0.6.0 protected
    Release of PtvPy version 0.6.0
    The release notes are in CHANGELOG.rst.