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Update wording in reownership wizard

Major changes:

  • Removed mention of "Librem Key." Replaced with "HOTP-enabled USB security token."
  • Specifies that resealing TOTP/HOTP during reownership is normal.
  • Emphasize that missing /boot record is normal during reownership wizard (initrd/bin/gui-init).

Minor changes:

  • Shortened sentences.
    • Where appropriate, cause is placed before effect. (For example,"Both your TOTP/HOTP codes and TPM released Disk Unlock Key were invalidated since measured boot integrity changed" is now "Measured boot integrity changed. Both your TOTP/HOTP codes and TPM released Disk Unlock Key were invalidated").
  • Renamed term "actual" to "existing" (e.g., "existing Disk Recovery Key" instead of "actual Disk Recovery Key").
  • Changes to past tense instead of nouns (e.g., "failed to unlock" instead of "failure to unlock"), for consistency.
  • Changes voice to second-person for consistency.
  • Corrects capitalization.
  • Changes lists to be consistently formatted.
  • Changes terms to consistent names (e.g., "email" instead of "e-mail").
  • Corrects grammar and punctuation.

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