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  • Harshavardhana's avatar
    internode lockArgs should use messagepack (#13329) · ffd49767
    Harshavardhana authored
    it would seem like using `bufio.Scan()` is very
    slow for heavy concurrent I/O, ie. when r.Body
    is slow , instead use a proper
    binary exchange format, to marshal and unmarshal
    the LockArgs datastructure in a cleaner way.
    this PR increases performance of the locking
    sub-system for tiny repeated read lock requests
    on same object.
    BenchmarkLockArgs-4              6417609               185.7 ns/op            56 B/op          2 allocs/op
    BenchmarkLockArgsOld-4           1187368              1015 ns/op            4096 B/op          1 allocs/op