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  • Andreas Auernhammer's avatar
    etag: add `Format` and `Decrypt` functions (#14659) · b9d1698d
    Andreas Auernhammer authored
    This commit adds two new functions to the
    internal `etag` package:
     - `ETag.Format`
     - `Decrypt`
    The `Decrypt` function decrypts an encrypted
    ETag using a decryption key. It returns not
    encrypted / multipart ETags unmodified.
    The `Decrypt` function is mainly used when
    handling SSE-S3 encrypted single-part objects.
    In particular, the ETag of an SSE-S3 encrypted
    single-part object needs to be decrypted since
    S3 clients expect that this ETag is equal to the
    content MD5.
    The `ETag.Format` method also covers SSE ETag handling.
    MinIO encrypts all ETags of SSE single part objects.
    However, only the ETag of SSE-S3 encrypted single part
    objects needs to be decrypted.
    The ETag of an SSE-C or SSE-KMS single part object
    does not correspond to its content MD5 and can be
    a random value.
    The `ETag.Format` function formats an ETag such that
    it is an AWS S3 compliant ETag. In particular, it
    returns non-encrypted ETags (single / multipart)
    unmodified. However, for encrypted ETags it returns
    the trailing 16 bytes as ETag. For encrypted ETags
    the last 16 bytes will be a random value.
    The main purpose of `Format` is to format ETags
    such that clients accept them as well-formed AWS S3
    It differs from the `String` method since `String`
    will return string representations for encrypted
    ETags that are not AWS S3 compliant.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndreas Auernhammer <>