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  • Harshavardhana's avatar
    speed up startup sequence for all operations (#14148) · 5a9f1334
    Harshavardhana authored
    This speed-up is intended for faster startup times
    for almost all MinIO operations. Changes here are
    - Drives are not re-read for 'format.json' on a regular
      basis once read during init is remembered and refreshed
      at 5 second intervals.
    - Do not do O_DIRECT tests on drives with existing 'format.json'
      only fresh setups need this check.
    - Parallelize initializing erasureSets for multiple sets.
    - Avoid re-reading format.json when migrating 'format.json'
      from really old V1->V2->V3
    - Keep a copy of local drives for any given server in memory
      for a quick lookup.