Add "Fetch ratings..." to HTTP API
What TMM version are you using?
Docker, TMM Version 4.0.7 (latest)/prerelease/nightly - I swap around depending on features, defects, stability, etc.
What is the actual behavior?
I use the HTTP API for several actions, as custom scripts in both Sonarr and Radarr, as well as scheduled tasks on the server (cron jobs) as a backup to catch any missed updates or scrapings. Ratings of content tends to change regularly. Currently, a user must manually update ratings using the "Fetch ratings for selected contentType" submenu of the "Enhanced editing" menu.
What is the expected behavior?
I would like to be able to create a script that will use the HTTP API and/or command line arguments to fetch new ratings for content, so that I can automate the process of keeping content ratings up to date. Example:
tinyMediaManager --fetchRatings
curl -d "[{\"action\":\"fetchRatings\", \"scope\":{\"name\":\"all\"}}]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "api-key: xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -X POST http://192.x.x.x:xxxxx/api/tvshow
Alternatively (and much more complex) create a native, flexible, task scheduler in the UI.