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Bump version to 0.4.0

- Reorder commands in help output to show the most useful commands first
- Add TOTP token support for handling two factor authentication codes
- Add support for Steam TOTP tokens
- Add `totp show` command to show a TOTP token from the store
- Add `totp copy` command to copy a TOTP token to the clipboard
- Add `totp live` command to watch a TOTP token live until cancelled
- Add `totp qr` command to show a TOTP QR code for adding to another authenticator
- Add `slam` command to aggressively close the password store, Tomb, opened GPG keys and persistent SSH connections in case of an emergency
- Move `--store` property to root of `prs`, making it globally usable
- For the `generate` command, add `--stdout` alias for `--show`
- Automatically open Tomb when using `sync` command
- Make hints shown with `prs` Tomb aware, preventing weird suggestions when a Tomb is closed
- Show warning when using `git` command if sync is not initialised
- Fix Tomb's not closing due to persistent SSH connections, these connections are now dropped automatically
- Make interactive selection through skim full screen
- Fix password generator panicing on very short/long lengths
- Improve various error messages making them more descriptive
- Use GnuPG binary backend by default now, rather than GPGME
- Improve GNU and musl CI builds
- Fix errors and warnings for Windows builds
- Remove macOS builds from releases, users can compile from source
- Don't publish release candidate releases on Arch AUR
- Remove unsafe code for handling UTF-16 output
- Remove unsafe code for signalling SSH processes
- Update command-line interface handling system
- Disable unused features in dependencies to shrink dependency count
- Update MSRV to 1.64
- Update dependencies