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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.1.186 protected
    84b060c0 · Bump version to 0.1.186 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.186
    - Prevent infinite loops in automatic payment handling
    - Update bunq SDK
  • v0.1.185 protected
    3b6317d3 · Bump version to 0.1.185 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.185
    - Fix bunq API error in production
  • v0.1.184 protected
    1ec2ad6d · Bump version to 0.1.184 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.184
    - Fix bunq API error in production due to outdated client
    - Update dependencies
  • v0.1.183 protected
    57b36d02 · Bump version to 0.1.183 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.183
    - Show message on transaction page to describe the transaction was delayed if it was made on an offline device
    - Decrease purchase history separating from 6 to 2.5 hours
  • v0.1.182 protected
    92a0550f · Bump version to 0.1.182 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.182
    - In purchase history list, separate purchases in chunks if more than 6 hours apart
    - Increase number of items per page in purchase history from 25 to 50
    - Add previous/next pagination buttons to purchase history list
    - Fix kiosk showing incorrect search results if previous search was late
    - Fix kiosk not handling empty searches properly
    - Don't clear service worker caches on new release
  • v0.1.181 protected
    ef16be85 · Bump version to 0.1.181 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.181
    - Put page messages in a container, attached to the toolbar
    - Fix style of messages breaking when multiple were shown after each other
  • v0.1.180 protected
    161aaa4b · Bump version to 0.1.180 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.180
    - Always show 'All purchases' button on bottom of bar page for administrators, even if there are no recent purchases
    - Simplify style of action buttons on bottom of product and purchases list
    - Improve red low balance message style, attach it to the toolbar on small screens
    - Fix quick buy widget having different button text
  • v0.1.179 protected
    da3a6149 · Bump version to 0.1.179 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.179
    - Fix server error when user agent string of client is larger than 191 characters. This happened on some Xiaomi Redmi phones and browsers.
  • v0.1.178 protected
    df06a479 · Bump version to 0.1.178 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.178
    - Prevent committed kiosk transactions from replaying. This could potentially happen when an offline kiosk reconnects with an unstable connection to the server, causing purchases to be committed a second time.
    - Show if and by how much time transactions are delayed, if they are synced later from an offline kiosk
    - Show icons for kiosk and delayed transactions in transaction details and in transaction list
    - Show less text in transaction/mutation lists to prevent text overflowing on very small or narrow devices
    - Add details button to wallet balance label in main bar screen when user has positive balance
  • v0.1.177 protected
    982f43aa · Bump version to 0.1.177 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.177
    - In kiosk, fix incorrect query encoding causing some search queries to break
    - Remove support for searching products with ^ prefix
    - Handle searches with an empty query better
  • v0.1.176 protected
    0ec8cad7 · Bump version to 0.1.176 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.176
    - Add offline support to kiosk mode. To use this, install the app as PWA. The app must connect to the internet at least once every month.
    - Make kiosk user/product search more reliable, fall back to searching cached users/products on error
    - Queue kiosk purchases if there is no connection, synchronize when connecting again
    - Shorten kiosk buy button text to prevent overflowing when buying for multiple users
    - Add kiosk specific service worker to handle offline mode and caching
    - Fix precache/prefetch configuration of main service worker
    - Fix rare error when buying products in kiosk mode
  • v0.1.175 protected
    052273d6 · Bump version to 0.1.175 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.175
    - Fix kiosk layout on small screens by using less text in swap button
    - Fix broken text on product edit page
  • v0.1.174 protected
    0a69126a · Bump version to 0.1.174 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.174
    - Fix error when handling some bunq iDeal callback states
    - Improve swap button icon in kiosk mode
    - Improve action and swap button text in kiosk mode, make secondary action less vibrant
    - Simplify confirm button text in kiosk mode
  • v0.1.173 protected
    3ee21339 · Bump version to 0.1.173 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.173
    - Fix issue where unrecognized manual payments were not refunded. This happened if the description had special characters, breaking SEPA payments due to horrendous requirements.
  • v0.1.172 protected
    557523b0 · Bump version to 0.1.172 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.172
    - Fix potential security issue, where duplicate email addresses could be used with special characters in different casing
  • v0.1.171 protected
    2ae1e312 · Bump version to 0.1.171 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.171
    - When confirming kiosk purchase and the view is darkened, cancel confirming by tapping the darkened view
    - When kiosk green/red buy/cancel overlay is shown, close it early by tapping on it
    - Increase kiosk green/red buy/cancel overlay time to 1.5 seconds
    - Hint users to switch to a cellular connection on the HTTP 429 error page
  • v0.1.170 protected
    c815a98a · Bump version to 0.1.170 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.170
    - Don't show leading ^ character in no search results message when searching users that start with the given query
  • v0.1.169 protected
    14238427 · Bump version to 0.1.169 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.169
    - Add alphabetical index for users in kiosk mode
    - Prefix search query with ^ to find users with a name starting with that query
    - Improve kiosk action buttons, use consistent look and placement
  • v0.1.168 protected
    c3ac464a · Bump version to 0.1.168 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.168
    - Add toggle to disable bar
    - Prevent purchases on disabled bar, redirect to dashboard
    - Disable kiosk for disabled bar
  • v0.1.167 protected
    37c58f7a · Bump version to 0.1.167 ·
    Bump version to 0.1.167
    - Use dark PWA, webmanifest and theme color when in dark mode
    - Improve visuals and alignment of kiosk mode quantity selection modal
    - Improve visuals and alignment of kiosk mode swap buttons
    - Use blue selection color in kiosk mode
    - Change kiosk mode glow effect to blue color
    - Update dependencies