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WIP: Change Exemplary and Malice label prompts to be form-based

Bauke requested to merge Bauke/tildes:exemplary-malice-js-prompts into master

Fixes #311.

This changes the prompt asking for a reason to exemplary/malice from using prompt() to using a proper form with Intercooler.




I've marked it as WIP because there are several problems that I'm not sure how to deal with:

  • The prompt text doesn't break on newlines, you can see this in the picture above.
  • Clicking on the labels and then cancelling submitting a reason will still remove the label from appearing (if its exemplary) or set it to active (if its malice) even though the labels aren't applied. A refresh resets it back to normal.
  • Cancelling submitting a reason will make it so you have to click on "Label" twice before the labels appear again.
  • When an error occurs (like leaving the reason empty) the status message doesn't appear properly.
Edited by Deimos

Merge request reports