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    Integrated backport of a set ot minor enhancements to tracker fields Item... · a8e57b07
    xavidp authored
    Integrated backport of a set ot minor enhancements to tracker fields Item link, user selector and dynamic items list related to allow several users to managed data in linked trackers more easily. The backport of the minor improvements related to the notification system to user owners will come in a further backport elsewhere. Thanks marclaporte and kroky6
    [bp/r59845][FIX] allow tracker input rendered fields to know their itemId if editing a tracker item, so redirects can work in ItemLink
    [bp/r59846][ENH] ItemLink table display field output switched from comma separated list to table layout
    [bp/r59860][ENH] ItemLink table display switch to fancytable to allow usage of tablesorter sorting and filtering options
    [bp/r59914][FIX] ItemLink table format add new item modal display and update of fancytable
    [bp/r59916][FIX] DynamicList fix to properly show dropdown type of field 
    [bp/r60017][FIX] multiple tracker input open dialogs using tabs no longer conflicting tab selection; tab tracker layout fields receive the item being edited (fixes preselection issues in ItemLink)
    [bp/r60018][FIX] don't show duplicate Saving... modal when Loading... ajax modal is shown
    [bp/r60019][FIX] translate function replace %D keys in reverse order to allow replacements greater than %9
    [bp/r60020][ENH] ItemLink table display enhancements:
    - make preselection work with table display
    - show zero items if no preselected items are available
    - allow using of output format to order and/or change column names in the table display
    - fix auto-insertion issue in tablesorter table when not all of the remote tracker fields are displayed
    - restrict tracker fields in dropdowns only to related trackers
    - make preselect feature actually populate new item field with the same value from original tracker when using Add items feature
    [bp/r60028][ENH] add multiple select option to user selector tracker field
    [bp/r60051][ENH] allow tracker item owner to hold multiple users and update all places using item owner to respect multiple users - this includes permissions (owner can see/modify/delete); backward compatible with single user sitting in this field; only exception: UserPreference field acts only on the first user if there are multiple
    [bp/r60055][ENH] use plugin trackerlist to show and manipulate ItemLink table display; enforce field visibility permissions when displaying the remote tracker fields
    [bp/r60135][FIX] remove plugin trackerlist table cell overflow hidden property when inline editing a field and restore when exiting inline edit
    [bp/r60147][FIX] ItemLink table display use of trackerlist plugin fixed to ignore itemId from request in order to display preselection
    [bp/r60218][ENH] admin_editable_after permission added to tracker fields - non-admins can insert but not update and still are able to see the field
    [bp/r60228][FIX] show ItemLink add button only if user has permission to add items to remote tracker
    [bp/r60298][ENH] open trackeritem links in plugin trackerlist in new modal when editing itemlink fields with table display
    [bp/r60300][ENH] allow adding tracker field option dependencies to conditionally show or hide an option depending on another option's value; simplify ItemLink options list by showing only what is being used
    [bp/r60301][NEW] extend ItemLink to allow specifying custom Plugin TrackerList options for table displayed data
    [bp/r60414][FIX] ItemLink fix to display ItemsList fields by providing enough context to field_render_value
    [bp/r60423][FIX] ItemLink table display checkbox not required option automatically checks all preselected items to allow displaying them in view mode
    [bp/r60602][FIX] preselect DynamicList field when editing existing item (JQ change handler was not being executed on initial load)