ADD: Payout Node Operators every churn
Node Operators do not get paid (rewards stuck in bond). They have real-world costs to take care of.
Every churn, take the node-operator fee cut and pay direct to their address. For all the bond providers, add to their bond.
In addition, to this, fix this endpoint to add operator_address
for better visibility and remove node_address
(superfluous here)
"bond_providers": {
"node_address": "thor10f40m6nv7ulc0fvhmt07szn3n7ajd7e8xhghc3",
"node_operator_fee": "2000",
"providers": [
"bond_address": "thor163fwjl7k79r2ph3d76ztd5xn2rqp3ucjd5jns6",
"bond": "77467422624749"