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  • Ran Wang's avatar
    Tag support for deployment (#11461) · 427b9929
    Ran Wang authored
    * Update Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager to "3.4.0-preview".
    * Make corresponding changes as updating ResourceManager to 3.4.0: Error changed to readonly property for DeploymentValidateResult.
    * Add tag support for deployment.
    * Add changes to file.
    * Address pr comments.
    * Added one additional constructor with parameter GenericResourceExpanded for PSResource.
    * Update ResourceManager nuget version to 3.7.1-preview.
    * Make corresponding Alias change as using the new sdk.
    * Resolve the breaking change issue.
    * Revert format changes in GetAzurePolicyAlias.
    * Revert "Resolve the breaking change issue."
    This reverts commit 777af76a9b961f6751d00e3047ba761ecfcf603f.
    * Update the ResourceManager nuget version to 3.7.1-preview.
    * Try to supress the breaking change issue.