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  • Garry Lancaster's avatar
    Updated Next BIOS for CP/M to v0.97 · b56490be
    Garry Lancaster authored
    * Implemented support for LPT device, which sends output to the
      currently-installed NextZXOS printer driver ("P")
    * Implemented support for XDEV device, which performs i/o using the
      currently-installed NextZXOS auxiliary driver ("X")
    * Implemented additional Z-19 terminal features, allowing some graphical
      Heathkit games to run:
            ESC F          enter graphics mode (affects ASCII 94..126)
            ESC G          leave graphics mode
            ESC n          send cursor position report to input (in form ESC Y l c)
            ESC x 1        enable 25th-line support (only reachable by ESC Y l c)
            ESC x 5        suppress cursor
            ESC y 1        disable 25th-line support
            ESC y 5        enable cursor
    * Implemented "Set BIOS features" API (C=4) in USERF function