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figular v0.0.9 - 2022-09-05


* In the website you can style the circles from which the Circle Figure is drawn
  with new settings: background-color, color, border-color, border-width,
  border-style, border-size, font-family, font-size. These are all available as
  new input forms. Also style has been broken up into collapsible sections as
  the page is growing vertically.


* Docs updated to show all the new styling available on the Circle Figure in
  screenshots and all examples. Some of the previous cmdline example should have
  already been updated as the API changed before.
* Figular stylesheet: the default colors have been changed to
  ones which are named in Asymptote. The dark gray has actually had to change
  shade as Asy had no name for 20% gray, we use 'heavygray' which is 25% gray as
  closest. This was required as our web color dropdown only allows named colors
  right now.