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  • v3.0.0
    b65fabae · asyunit v3.0.0 ·
    Release: asyunit v3.0.0
    asyunit v3.0.0 - 2023-09-21
    * You can now install `asyunit` with [bin](
    * Changed repository name to `asyunit`, updated license headers and docs etc.
    * Update galagos template to v1.0.2
    * Expectations should not fail just because the version of Asymptote has
      changed. Two different versions may still produce the same output.
    -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----
  • v2.0.0 Release: asymptote-glg-contrib v2.0.0
    asymptote-glg-contrib v2.0.0 - 2022-08-09
    - Noted dependencies in `CONTRIBUTING`.
    - For .eps expectations create PNGs of the actual and expected results for easy
      comparison (alongside the existing diff PNG we create). This is because since
      asy 2.69+ the .eps files created are not easily viewable in desktop apps due
      to addition of custom postscript cmds (more on this below).
    - New command line interface. Now the only argument is the test fixture,
      everything else is set by flags:
      - `-g dir` to indicate these are graphical tests and set the artifact dir.
        Shipout will be called.
      - `-k pattern` to select which tests to run.
      - For full info run `asyunit -h`.
    - Tests units are now fully isolated from each other. We achieve this by
      supplying each test unit in its own file to asy which then runs them each in
      their own environment.
    - Move closer to TAP spec by writing test failure information as 'diagnostic lines'
      i.e. "# diagnostic" after the "ok/not ok" line.
    - Diagnostic lines now appear BEFORE the test line they relate to (the 'ok/not
      ok' line) and in real-time. Previously we waited for asy to completely finish
      before showing output. So we can see feedback from a failing test as soon
      as its available.
    - Don't output diff of expectations against actual - it's usually large in
      real world situations and duplicates our own test diagnostic message.
    - Update test expectations for circle as since asy v2.69+ new transparency
      commands are present.
    - Updated test dependencies to latest.
    - When a fixture is not found give return code of 1 and a better message
    - We were not checking that every expectation file provided as input for a test
      had a corresponding output. This meant for example if a test stopped producing
      PDFs it would not fail. Now we ensure that if we expect a certain file
      we fail if it is not produced. '.license' files are ignored.
    - The ImageMagick compare was broken since asymptote v2.69+. Asymptote's
      intermediate postscript files (.eps) have GhostScript custom transparency
      commands that require a GhostScript flag to enable. This causes an issue when
      we run the ImageMagick compare as it uses GhostScript under the hood. So now
      we configure IM before we run the compare. More info:
      [Ghostscript and the PostScript Language](
    - Also regarding ImageMagick compare we fix a warning message about colour
      profiles by forcing it to use full colour instead of downgrading to grayscale
      when producing diff PNG.
    - We were creating a new currentpicture between test runs. If any global code
      was taking a copy/reference to currentpicture this would no longer refer to
      the real currentpicture after it was replaced at shipout. Now we simply
      `erase()` currentpicture after a run.
  • v1.0.0 Release: asymptote-glg-contrib v1.0.0
    asymptote-glg-contrib v1.0.0 - 2020-10-19
    - First version