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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.1.2
    update metadata import
    - Fixing bug in test scripts introduced by
      `RCurl::url.exists()`. Regular words do suddenly return `TRUE`. WTF?
      But entering a invalid URL does still result in `FALSE`.
    - The `` function is now obsolete and
      the `extract.content.climate` function handles the import of the
      metadata using the `import.file.metadata.climate` function for now.
      Since the DWD decided to not keep the description files up to date
      anymore, some stations are not mentioned in there and can not be
      handled afterwards. Therefore I now directly obtain the metadata
      from the *Metadaten_Geographie_* files.
    - The encoding was fixed. *latin1* is used instead of *UTF-8* and
      handed over via the *fileEncoding* and not the *encoding* argument
      in `read.table`.
  • v0.1.1
    update to version 0.1.1
    - Fixing namespacing in the example of `get.dwd.ftp.url()`.
    - Explicitly use `stats` namespace for `rnorm` function in
    - Adding the **** vignette taken from the corresponding blog
    - A bug in the `readline()` function causes it to only read multiple
      characters if there is no trailing whitespace. There was, however,
      one present in each call and thus all choices larger than 9 could
      not be accessed
  • v0.1.0
    initial release of the dwd2r package