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Proto: Migrate from Mumbai

Ole Krüger requested to merge mumbai-stitching into master

Reference MR for Lima: !6504 (merged)


  1. Remove references to Lima and replace them with Mumbai within the protocol

  2. Update the constants representation by copying from the Proto Mumbai


    • Remove code related to block time reduction
    • Use constants from previous protocol if available
  3. Update Tezt tests to migrate from Mumbai

  4. Update Python tests to migrate from Mumbai

Manual testing

Import a recent rolling node snapshot.

./octez-node snapshot import mainnet-3066445.rolling --block BLjV4aKB4vzKALmtrKEuBYCuoBUkJNZJ1ojm6NqXNoNTwwF9snc

Patch the files for yes wallet/node.

dune exec devtools/yes_wallet/yes_wallet.exe -- create from context ~/.tezos-node in /tmp/yes-wallet --active-bakers-only
patch -p1 < scripts/yes-node.patch

Patch the node configutation such that it upgrades the protocol.

git apply <<EOF
diff --git a/src/lib_node_config/ b/src/lib_node_config/
index 1bf7c2cf50..4f90140a1a 100644
--- a/src/lib_node_config/
+++ b/src/lib_node_config/
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ let mainnet_user_activated_upgrades =
     (28082l, "PsYLVpVvgbLhAhoqAkMFUo6gudkJ9weNXhUYCiLDzcUpFpkk8Wt");
     (204761l, "PsddFKi32cMJ2qPjf43Qv5GDWLDPZb3T3bF6fLKiF5HtvHNU7aP");
+    (3066446l, "PtMumbaiiFFEGbew1rRjzSPyzRbA51Tm3RVZL5suHPxSZYDhCEc");
+    (3066447l, "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK");


Run the following in on terminal to start the node.

./octez-node run --synchronisation-threshold 0 --connections 0 --rpc-addr localhost

Run this in another terminal to bake the block migrating to Mumbai:

./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp

You should see something like this in the node logs to show Mumbai activation:

Jan 18 14:31:07.615 - validation: initializing protocol PtMumbaiiFFE...
Jan 18 14:31:07.616 - validator.block: block at level 3066446 successfully pre-applied:
Jan 18 14:31:07.616 - validator.block:   Request pushed on 2023-01-18T14:31:04.312-00:00, treated in 12us, completed in 3.304s
Jan 18 14:31:07.805 - validator.block: prechecked block BMKiPQv55DvC37YymzNtnXzsUqzPJDoH181WGsAFRaAo11xjoLi
Jan 18 14:31:07.824 - validator.block: block BMKiPQv55DvC37YymzNtnXzsUqzPJDoH181WGsAFRaAo11xjoLi validated
Jan 18 14:31:07.824 - validator.block:   Request pushed on 2023-01-18T14:31:07.767-00:00, treated in 7us, completed in 56.507ms
Jan 18 14:31:07.888 - the protocol table was updated: protocol PtMumbaiiFFE (level 16) was
Jan 18 14:31:07.888 -   activated on block BMKiPQv55DvC37YymzNtnXzsUqzPJDoH181WGsAFRaAo11xjoLi
Jan 18 14:31:07.888 -   (level 3066446)

Run this to bake the block migrating to Alpha:

./octez-client -d /tmp/yes-wallet bake for --minimal-timestamp

You should see something like this in the node logs to show Alpha activation:

Jan 18 14:31:39.702 - validation: initializing protocol ProtoALphaAL...
Jan 18 14:31:39.702 - validator.block: block at level 3066447 successfully pre-applied:
Jan 18 14:31:39.702 - validator.block:   Request pushed on 2023-01-18T14:31:39.579-00:00, treated in 13us, completed in 123ms
Jan 18 14:31:40.064 - validator.block: prechecked block BKseCXc7Yjfdo2AY5FA9axULQcTDeVuHdACz9XPJqyWr8dSpbie
Jan 18 14:31:40.066 - validator.block: block BKseCXc7Yjfdo2AY5FA9axULQcTDeVuHdACz9XPJqyWr8dSpbie validated
Jan 18 14:31:40.066 - validator.block:   Request pushed on 2023-01-18T14:31:40.026-00:00, treated in 10us, completed in 39.785ms
Jan 18 14:31:40.123 - the protocol table was updated: protocol ProtoALphaAL (level 17) was
Jan 18 14:31:40.123 -   activated on block BKseCXc7Yjfdo2AY5FA9axULQcTDeVuHdACz9XPJqyWr8dSpbie
Jan 18 14:31:40.123 -   (level 3066447)
Edited by Ole Krüger

Merge request reports