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Scoru,Test: PBT the check dissection

Valentin Chaboche requested to merge vch9@scoru@pbt-dissection into master


owner: @sribaroud / original author: @vch9

Addresses partially #3394 (closed)

To begin with, I'm moving the existing tests to test/pbt/ II believe this file became messy through different iterations, and it will be much easier to integrate Thomas A. new tests in a clean state. So the idea would have 2 files; until every tests is ported to test/pbt/

The goal of this first merge request is to hard property-based test the dissection. We want to make sure that every invalid type of dissection is refused from the protocol. The good thing is that we win a dissection generator, which needs to be tweaked a bit to choose the correct section to dispute, and to introduce the "valid" state hashes (regarding the player's state).

Manually testing the MR

$ dune exec src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/test/pbt/test_refutation_game.exe


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  • n/a For new features and bug fixes, add an item in the appropriate changelog (docs/protocols/alpha.rst for the protocol and the environment, CHANGES.rst at the root of the repository for everything else).
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  • Select as Assignee the next person who should take action on that MR
Edited by Sylvain R.

Merge request reports
