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Proto/Michelson: de-duplicate parse_contract(_for_script)

Mehdi Bouaziz requested to merge mehdi@parse_contract_for_script into master


In the elaborator, we have parse_contract used to parse_data of type contract ... and parse_contract_for_script used to execute the instruction CONTRACT.

They only differ by the fact that parse_contract_for_script ignores (virtually all -- ideally all) non-gas errors and turns them into None, the rest is strictly the same.

Code duplicate is never a good thing, we may forget to update one and not the other.

This MR merges both by reusing the error_details type to differentiate between verbose (for parse_contract) and non-verbose (for parse_contract_for_script) errors.

Yeah, and some cleanups like moving 2 functions out of the way and renaming parse_contract into parse_contract_data.

To make both functions exactly the same I added a small gas consumption at the beginning, that was lost in some branch in one version only. See updated gas in regression traces.

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Edited by Mehdi Bouaziz

Merge request reports
