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realsense-rust v1.1.0 + realsense-sys 2.47.0

This release brings some new goodies to the crate!

1. We now have an example in the crate for how to use RealSense with
OpenCV, thanks to Paul Schroeder <>.
2. We have updated realsense-sys and realsense-rust to be compatible
with librealsense2.47.0 by default. See Intel's [API
changelog for the specific changes, but two options were added to
`Rs2Option`, and two were deprecated.
3. Like the 1.0.1 release, we've gone ahead and made sure to apply the
docs-only updates, so that docs will generate on
4. `Rs2Option::to_cstr` and `Rs2Option::to_str` now take an owned
option. This seems to have been what we should have done from the get-go
because `Rs2Option` implements `Copy`. We apologize for breaking API
here, but we felt that the new calling convention would be less
confusing in general.

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs or tested features for us for this
release! We appreciate the feedback.