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Rename admin user to sympl, secure permissions

Paul Cammish requested to merge rename_admin_user_to_sympl into master

Replaces the 'admin' user created by Symbiosis with a user called 'sympl' instead - less chance of a username collision, and if the users home dir is not /srv, it means we can store things like config files there safely.

Things to remember:

  • Backup paths will need checking to ensure /backups /home /etc/sympl and /srv are included.
  • Ownership of /srv should be set to sympl, and config files should be set to be owned only by sympl.
    • /etc/sympl
    • /var/backups
    • /srv/*/config
    • /srv/*/config/ssl
    • /srv/*/mailboxes
    • /srv/*/public
    • Must run through domains
  • Sympl should be in the www-data group, and public (and subdirs) should be owned by www-data, with permissions set 664.
  • things like sympl-ssl should be okay with the dir being owned by www-data
  • the FTP user should be changed to www-data
  • common apps (vim/htop) should be added to sympl-core recommends
  • sensible config defaults should be added to sympl-core for the sympl user

Covers #219 (closed) #170 (closed)

Edited by Paul Cammish

Merge request reports