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Project ID: 33021898
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    sultanm authored
    Avoid manual work
    user avatar e80888ff

    Script to fetch contributors from issues

    Contributor on issue is one who has done either of

    1. Opening an issue
    2. Comment on an issue


    1. npm install
    2. npx all-contributors init # for the first time

    Running for gitlab

    1. npm index.js
    2. copy the standard output lines like "npx all-contributors add ..." and paste them on terminal
    3. for android app developers, there will be a contributors.xml file with contributors and their gitlab profile url as xml string array resources
    4. copy the .all-contributorsrc file to the target repository directory and run npx all-contributors generate

    Running for crowdin

    1. npm crowdin.js
    2. copy the standard output lines and add paste them in .all-contributorsrc file
    3. copy contents of contributors.xml to android project's contributors xml resource