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FEX Release FEX-2207

 - Fix IRList delete (fb41ba17)
 - Fix RAData free (9242e598)

- Arm64

 - EncryptionOps
  - Fix register specifiers in PCLMUL movs (63b70ff3)

 - JIT
  - Use IR names in opcode implementations (19b0a9cd)

- Backends
 - Unified dispatch, interface rework, cleanups (072690a1)

- CI
 - Auto rootfs fetching (c027acec)

 - Create directories during configuration, fixes endless generation of unittests (e62bc24b)

- CMake
 - Check for binfmt_misc conflicts before install (6d2f98a3)

 - Enable the hypervisor bit (da8dbf17)

- Common
 - Support application profiles for games launched through wine (3913dd6c)

- Config
 - Fixes AppConfig for wine-preloader (ae6a57e6)

- Context
 - Fix CreateThread partial initialization issue (eac579f7)
 - Decouple from CodeLoader, introduce generic CustomIREntrypoints (b0a31f71)

- CoreState
 - Add register size constants (1c1ad876)

- Dispatcher

 - Arm64
  - Fix vixl assert (0f696c60)

- Dispatchers
 - Use thread local emitters for backend callbacks (4f9bc705)

- FDUtils
 - Fix get_fdpath (aa17f645)

- FEXGDBReader
 - Fix install path (b3e090c8)

- FEXRootFSFetcher
 - Update and fix xxhash file hashing (c0a89847)

- FEXServer
 - Stop leaking FDs to subprocesses (b7806e47)
 - Minor changes (1f1d0706)
 - Adds -w option for waiting on current FEXServer (b020e593)
 - Adds new FEXServer service (5a19425b)

- FEXServerClient
 - When running under pressure-vessel don't use FEXServer rootfs (9110546d)

 - Store copy of IRLists, Dispatcher cleanups (790bd974)

- IR
 - Remove GuestCallDirect, GuestCallIndirect (e4d659a6)
 - add IsFragmentExit, IsBlockExit (2d3c6efa)

- Invalidations
 - Move invalidation locks to Context (ffcde182)

- Ioctl
 - Safely access v3d csd ioctl structure (158ba1ae)

- Ioctl32
 - Fix DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK (982518d3)

- JITs
 - Qualify external includes consistently (b05e5ce1)

- Linux
 - Fixes for clone3 stack size (1494aac8)
 - Make `get_fdpath` more optimal (542ab046)
 - Fixes 32-bit allocator range scanning (4c73c715)
 - Fixes `open` syscall emulated path handling (43234939)

- OpcodeDispatcher
 - Handle CLMUL opcode extension (9e9ceb38)

 - Track code pages before frontend decode (bbd9eb5b)

- Scripts
 - Allow user override on tagged version (aafe7ff1)

 - Add auto migration optimisation for applications that don't need TSO (c99d1e48)

- Tests

 - IRLoader
  - Silence missing override warning (ade3a527)

- ThunkLibs
 - Fix Guest.h (302a6c96)
 - silence warnings (30a28ff1)

 - vulkan
  - Work around lack of generic callback support in VK_EXT_debug_report (4771a340)

- Thunks
 - Implement generic callback support (aec5b21d)
 - Soften error condition to be non-fatal (3b8491b5)
 - Adds libvulkan steam pinned library thunking support (6b226dd6)
 - Fix std::set crash (6a43db8c)
 - Add fex:is_lib_loaded (88b94bef)
 - Support returning host function pointers to the guest (04a1ac96)
 - Support pressure-vessel prefixes (e2e6f2a9)

 - vulkan
  - Disable debug report callback (751b66d4)

- ThunksDB
 - Fix String.find error check (d8fa53a4)

- ValueDominanceValidation
 - Avoid stack exhaustion when aggregating predecessors (124097d5)

- Vulkan
 - Handle queries for unknown functions more gracefully (e137c2ed)

- Misc
 - Support EroFS (46fcbe2f)
 - Allow building thunks on a wider range of platforms (ad6fd5ab)
 - Fix inconsistent allocation schemes used for RegisterAllocationData (8a21ecab)
 - Make Dispatcher per Context from per Thread, Simplify TestHarnessRunner (0a62a4c5)
 - IR.json: Correct 'Dest' key to 'Desc' (51c5f945)

- gdb
 - jit integration (4449b604)

- unittests
 - Classify CPU based on CPU features (d005fdcd)
 - Disable known flake in posix tests (a97fb2f3)
 - Add FEXLinuxTests with a few tests (cb0935c9)

 - ThunkLibs
  - Fix test failures due to missing FEX_PACKFN_LINKAGE define (a2c9d5a3)