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FEX Release FEX-2105

 - Add install rule for FEXUpdateAOTIRCache (517b5757)
 - Offline Generation (fd6d33d1)
 - Switch over to mmap-based loading (a30866a8)

- Deps
 - Require xxhash 0.7.3, ubuntu 20.04 ships with that version (e9a32da9)

 - Simpler loader, uses mmap (08bc7a83)

- IR
 - Fix RIP relocation edge-cases (7d4380fe)
 - Remove Entry from OP_HEADER, pass as parameter to CompileCode (db776fae)

 - Add reason 1 (0xCD) to OP_BREAK implementations (605994dc)

- LookupCache
 - Add new entries to L1C (7d5157b6)

- Oops
 - Missed line on FEXConfig SDL2 (c495d812)

- Misc
 - Fixes host thread stacks ending up in lower 32-bit VA (623b29de)
 - Handle more cases of an application pinging self (9be67fb2)
 - Fixes ioctl returning error (cb9286c1)
 - Updates binfmt_misc files to support AppImage (693097c5)
 - Adds Nouveau and Lima ioctl32 handlers (5b017f9a)
 - Implements support for CLFLUSH  (8d1f9a90)
 - Remove reliance on librt and libnuma (6dc69063)
 - Redirect applications using execve with self (2916c4f3)
 - Initial base implementation of sigtimedwait (04137d0d)
 - More ioctl32 emulation (afa81294)
 - Workaround fixes in sendmsg/recvmsg (866baf66)
 - 64-bit allocator and ioctl emulation (235e05e8)
 - Removes xxhash version check (3e1da51c)
 - Fixes SDL2 interface check...again. (4efe973b)
 - Memory layout optimizations (528b01ad)
 - Enables ARMv8.4 CI runner  (cd0492a1)
 - Optimizes CPUID generation a bit (aae4de10)
 - Work around M1 Parallels hypervisor not showing CPU type (a6d94250)
 - Only use SDL2 import target if it exists (2ab8a970)
 - Adds Long Divide removal pass (bab59279)
 - Changes LogMan assert to defines (c3ad5710)
 - Switch from fasthash64 to xxhash's XXH3 (60671ee6)
 - Naked mman usage removal (6635765e)
 - Fixes ELFCodeLoader2 loading relative ELF files (3e4ff23a)
 - Declare missing template specialization for GetListIfExists (3419f40c)
 - Use cmake SDL2 target properties (8260ddda)
 - Use mcpu=native with Clang 12 (872e49f0)
 - Fixes OpenAt breaking with anonymous objects (f0f6bc7a)
 - Emulated Files: Don't precalculate /proc/pid path, it changes after fork (e7179ff8)
 - First step in paranoid TSO mode (6cc7d065)
 - Switches FEX over to using jemalloc (93b9ca4b)
 - Default hidden visibility and strip symbols (4a504bdd)
 - Enables GCC 32-bit unit tests (5e6c6adf)
 - Fixes segment register override on string instructions.  (50c3ee04)
 - Adds some more CPUID functions (c0ef6da6)
 - Fixes ordering problem of tag generation in release script (20634114)
 - Fixes Zext semantics on atomic ops with x64 JIT (4a5eefec)
 - Updates a couple POSIX test case failures (eaad9e99)
 - Allows overriding FEX folder locations with environment variables (62406a45)
 - Adds use-after-scope to the ASAN options (03537d35)
 - Removes getenv usage for aotir (1d4b81f5)
 - Fixes GCC tests (c26f19ed)
 - Adds support for Arm64 JIT to Print (9619cea0)
 - Fixes memory leak in CPU backends  (44dbecc2)
 - Implements a minimal siginfo_t in the dispatcher's signal handler (41563220)
 - Fixes eventfd and eventfd2 (8319a855)
 - Fixes truncate and creat (8ad45071)
 - Fixes clock_nanosleep (c7620504)
 - Fixes FEXConfig filling in unnamed options (648ef617)
 - Fixes wrapping cmdline arguments (5fac51f6)
 - Fixes pselect6 signal arg pack argument (be03767c)
 - Updates release script to match what I want it to be (adeea56e)