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  • Felix Schlitter's avatar
    Implement rawSql as a QuasiQuoter (#717) · 0b8c716e
    Felix Schlitter authored
    * Implement rawSql as a QuasiQuoter
    * Remove duplicate `makeExpr`
    * Simplify further, wrap more functions and add docs
    * Explicitly import `mempty`
    * Implement table and column name escaping
    * Update module level docs
    * Update docs and avoid introducing unused var
    This introduces a bit more complexity into the Quasi Quoter but makes
    sure that no unused patterns are introduced if they are not needed
    * Add tests for column and table name interpolation
    * Use `getFieldName` and `getTableName` in QQ
    * Add more sqlQQ tests
    * Add `fail` as a package dependency to persistent
    * Add `getFieldName` and `getTableName` imports
    * Use the Monad fail function
    * Use `return` instead of `pure`
    * Explicitly annotate `runQuery` in tests
    * Update persistent ChangeLog