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Spectre iOS v3.0.5, build 45 (public)


- Improvements with resolution of quality site preview images.


- A regression that could cause a crash when logging out.
- Triggering the primary site cell action for new sites.


 - Check www variants of sites for preview images & bump SwiftLinkPreview.
   [ADDED]     Check a site's www website variant for images to improve image candidates.
   [UPDATED]   Bump SwiftLinkPreview for baseURL detection and bumping its swift language support.
 - Trigger primary action on new site cells.
   [FIXED]     Primary action not triggered on new site cells.
 - Allow resuming Fastlane selectively post-mortem.
   [UPDATED]   Cut up Fastlane to allow for easy resuming of the process if it is aborted midway somehow.